Friday, 31 October 2014

Scary Stuff for X Factor: The Song List and who goes home *Saturday*

So, with the act getting lowest public vote leaving on Saturday (according to Cheryl after only a few minutes voting!) it will be all the more important that the contestants put on a good show. here are the proposed tracks they'll be performing.

Andrea Faustini – Relight My Fire (Lulu & Take That)

He is still running as firm favourite so I guess whatever he does will not see him foot the table. The only scary bit about the song is the word Fire but watching him perform will be enough to get me well behind the sofa.

Jack Walton – Bleeding Love (Leona Lewis)

He's vulnerable. It's another track that has nothing to do with scary other than having the word Bleeding in the title but it could be a bleedin' mistake as the Leona Lewis classic is not an easy one to redo.

Paul Akister – Bat Out Of Hell (Meatloaf)

I would have had Paul as a possible leaver this week but this is such a classically lovable track that I believe he can do justice to that he ought to be just about safe on Saturday at least. He may need to brush off a sing-off tune for Sunday, though.

Lauren Platt – Dark Horse (Katy Perry)

I am impressed by this young girl's choices so far which have been modern and in the vein that I can see her doing for real, rather than going for the granny vote with old classics. Many of the voters, though, may not have heard this and it will require a pretty good performance to get it across first time for them. Having said that, Lauren is the one I am currently predicting to win so I reckon she'll be just fine.

Lola Saunders – Crazy (Gnarls Barkley)

Cheryl's other girl is only here by virtue of Louis' rescuing her with a wild card. She has shown some wobbliness in the Live Shows so far and, whilst having had a superb job done by the make-over people and gaining some confidence, she isn't in the Top 6. That doesn't mean she's going home, though, as you need to be 9th, 10th or 11th and this god choice of track should save her. I can imagine her doing a very good job with this and it may be one of the show highlights for her.

Only The Young – The Monster Mash (Bobby 'Boris' Pickett & The Crypt Kickers)

Here's a video of what they have done already!

Last week they will have realised that they're simply not getting across to the voting public, nearly going home. It was a poor song choice, though, that wasn't going to win them many new fans in telephone voting land (although app voting land is a more forgiving place for them, luckily). This week they have a cool, fun, song and, by the seems of things, are well practised in performing it too. That all bodes well. They are the act I would like to see win but I don't yet feel confident enough to say they will. I hope they keep out of the bottom three.

Stereo Kicks – Everybody (Backstreet Boys)

Happy to see these guys go home. Eight is simply too many for me. They all seem likeable and talented people and I hadn't realised till last week just how young a couple of them are. That might explain some pretty nervous stuff that most of their tracks start with. I have no idea how they'll fare with this.

Ben Haenow – Highway to Hell (AC/DC)

This is a risky choice by one of the second favourites. His has lots of support so he should be OK like Andrea but I am not expecting anything particularly memorable.

Fleur East – Thriller (Michael Jackson)

Talking of risk - this is the most risky of all tonight. She's a brave lass and last week seemed to impress with the current #1 All About The Bass which isn't as easy as it may have looked. It is, of course, the track for the night in many viewers' eyes (although I prefer the Crypt Kickers) and she will either be up there with all the smiles and success or looking a bit dejected as her name is left till near the end. I say 'near' the end as I think she'll survive Saturday. Not sure about Sunday yet.

Jay James – Mad World (Tears For Fears)

Nice choice and, for pure scary sounds, this is the best choice by far. I think this will be a stand-out of the night and see him safely through.

Stevi Ritchie – Music of The Night (from Phantom of The Opera)

If you've been counting you'll have reckoned that there is a possible 9th and 10th already and this would, for me, be No. 11 and bye bye Stevi. It ought to be so but it may be that we have to wait until Sunday as he has quite a lot of appeal and my guess is that he isn't coming at the bottom of the voting. He does, in fact, have bags of experience on stage and this is probably a track that he has performed to an audience many times before. Not in the West End production but very possibly in a lesser venue. So he'll know what he's doing. As I said, he ought to be the one to go.

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